Auction Date: September 24th - 27th, 2024
from: 24. September 2024 13:00 CEST
  • Lombardy Venetia

    • Lot 5
    • 1

    LOMBARDY & VENETIA. An exceptional cover 1856 with 5 c. in pair and single with large margins canc. "Bardolino 24 NOV.". Certs Oliva & R. Diena.

    Sold at Auction
    160.00 EUR

  • Modena

    • Lot 186
    • 6

    An exceptional margin block of four of 1 lira. The two right stamps with varieties: frame lines broken at top left corners, as well as missing left frame line on the bottom stamp. SUPERB & SCARCE.,

    Sold at Auction
    50.00 EUR

  • Early States Naples

    • Lot 187 ●
    • 7

    Beatiful 50 grana with full margins on a small piece with framed "ANNULATO". Mi=3.200. Cert. Avi & sign. A. Diena. VERY FINE.

    Sold at Auction
    300.00 EUR

  • Papal States

    • Lot 188 ●
    • 11

    A very fresh 1 scudo rose with a small thin spot. Sass. 7.500 Euro. Cert. Avi.

    200.00 EUR

  • Papal States Covers bulk lot

    • Lot 189

    An exceptional selection of 20 covers with stamps from the first issue, many interesting postmarks also several straight line. Incl. one with Italian postage due stamps (uncancelled). Further two stampless covers. All can be viewed on our website.
    Entire lot scanned

    Sold at Auction
    120.00 EUR

  • Sardinia

    • Lot 190 ●
    • 5

    A very beautiful pair of 20 c. dull blue "TORINO 20 APR 55". At top right, small but full margin, otherwise very wide margins all around. Sass. 2.500 Euro. Cert. Avi.

    150.00 EUR

  • Sicily

    • Lot 191 ●
    • 1

    A very beautiful copy of ½ grano orange from the rare plate 2 (Sass.# 2a 7.000 Euro) with superb canc. Cert. Avi & sign. Oliva.

    Sold at Auction
    320.00 EUR

    • Lot 192 ●
    • 1

    Very fresh ½ grano plate I in the rare shade light orange yellow, pos. 68 (Sass. # 1aa 4.000 Euro). Very good margins, a very small thin spot. . Cert. Avi.

    Sold at Auction
    120.00 EUR

    • Lot 193 ●
    • 4

    An exceptional 5 gr. plate I in the rare vermilion shade (Sass. # 10a 6.000 Euro). Cert. Avi & sign. Emilio Diena. SUPERB.

    Sold at Auction
    320.00 EUR

    • Lot 194 ●
    • 6

    A fantastic corner pair of 20 gr. dark grey in pos. 91-92 with part original gum. Cert. Avi, sign. Emilio Diena & Asinelli.

    250.00 EUR

    • Lot 195 ●
    • 7

    Very fresh and beautiful 50 gr. in the rare chocolate brown shade (Sass. # 10a 4.000 Euro). Cert. Avi.

    Sold at Auction
    160.00 EUR

  • Sicily Collections

    • Lot 196 ●
    • 2-7

    An exceptional selection King Ferdinand in various printings and shades. All identified and signed by Dr. Helmuth Avi. Sassone more than 20.000 Euro. Please, see scans and notations on our website. Very good quality.
    Entire lot scanned

    Sold at Auction
    600.00 EUR

  • Tuscany

    • Lot 197 ●
    • 9

    A nice looking copy of the very rare 60 cr. cut in on three sides and thinned. Sass. 50.000 Euro. Cert. Avi.

    Sold at Auction
    420.00 EUR

  • Italy Collections

    • Lot 200 ●

    Fine unused and used collection on Visir pages with Humberto and Emmanuel issues incl. 1889 5 l. green and claret and 1891-96 5 l. blue and rose used, signed Avi, 1862 80 c., 1879 30 c. brown, 1901-26 set of 16 with 10 c. (2), 25 c. (2 shades), 45 c. (3), 50 c. (2 one with margin), 2 l. (2), 5 l. (2), 1908 25 c., 30 c., 40 c. and 60 c. printed on gummed side, 1922 60 c. on 50 c. Express stamp showing the double overprint, one inverted, signed Avi, 1925-26 60c and 1 l. in imperf lower margin pairs, 1910-1940 selection of used sets and better values from this period (Scott cat. $12,000+), an unused selection of 1920s-1930s sets with better sets incl. 1923 Fascist set, 1933 Balbo Triptychs (3), Airmails with 1926 set to 5 l., surcharges, overprints etc. Huge cat. value. All scanned on our website.
    Entire lot scanned

    Sold at Auction
    1700.00 EUR

  • Italy Covers bulk lot

    • Lot 201

    Interesting lot of 15 covers and cards 1900 - 1930s sent to Switzerland from Italy, Monaco and Italian colonies, like Eritrea, Libya, Somalia and Ethiopia. PLEASE INSPECT.
    Entire lot scanned

    Sold at Auction
    220.00 EUR

  • Italian Occupation Julisch Venetien Bulk lot

    • Lot 204

    VENEZIA TRIDENTINA & GIULIA, 4 interesting covers 1919 with provisional stamps. Two of them to Switzerland with Swiss postage due stamps. Please inspect!
    Entire lot scanned

    150.00 EUR

  • Italian Occupation Trentino

    • Lot 206 ●
    • 14

    TRENTINO. Provisional 1918, a well centered 90 h. with a well placed canc. (Sass. # 14 7.500 Euro). Cert. Avi.

    400.00 EUR

  • Italian Post Offices Abroad Collections

    • Lot 209 ●

    Colonies and offices abroad. A valuable collection with Aegean Islands 1934 Soccer set of 5 and 1932 Garibaldi set mostly MNH, China, Peking- 1917-18 set to 10 l. MNH very scarce in this condition, 1918 Postage Due 8 c. on 20 c., 12 c. on 30 c. and16 c. on 40 c. Sc.12-21 and J6-J8, Tientsin- 1918-21 surcharges set of 9 to $2 on 5 l., and 1917 and 1918 Special Delivery stamps, Somalia, fine selection with 1903 1b MNH, and set used, range of surcharges, 1926 surcharge set, 1926 vals. to 10 l., 1935 Emmanuel set to 25 l.+2.75 l., good postage Due and Parcel Post sets with 1926 set to 10 l., 1917 to 4 l., 1926 red overprint set to 20 l., Oltre Giuba 1925 set to 5 l. (2l MNH), 1926 set with 1.25 l. used and Special Delivery 70 c. and 2.50 l. fine unused, Rodi 1935 Deer and Palm set of 8 fine MNH. Scarce set, also a fine selection of better overprints for Aegean Islands, Salonica, the Levant, China and North Africa in fine predominantly unused with some used and Colonies sets with Libya 1929 set u/m, Italian Colonies 1934 Soccer set of 12, 1933 Air set, 1941 Postage Due set to 20 l., Cyrenaica 1924 Manzoni set, 1934 Rome to Buenos-Ayres set for both Cyrenaica and Tripolitania used cto. Very high cat. value. All scanned on our website.
    Entire lot scanned

    Sold at Auction
    1800.00 EUR

  • Papal States

    • Lot 340
    • 6

    THE PAPAL STATES 1852 5 baj., 90 copies with full margins and in good quality. Mi. 900. Sassone minimum 2.250.
    Entire lot scanned

    100.00 EUR

    • Lot 341
    • 9

    THE PAPAL STATES 1852 8 baj., 100 copies with full margins and in good quality. Incl. many pairs and nice cancellations. Mi. 2500+, Sassone 7.500+.
    Entire lot scanned

    250.00 EUR

  • Italian Kingdom Postage due stamps

    • Lot 758

    Beautiful cover to Genua "ST THOMAS 11.1 1878". Postage due paid by a pair of Italian 60 c. stamps. SCARCE.

    Sold at Auction
    100.00 EUR

  • Early States Naples

    • Lot 1436

    Beautiful cover from Naples to Stockholm with very clear due canc. "102". F=4.000+. SUPERB.

    Sold at Auction
    140.00 EUR

Current Time: Thursday October 10th 2024 - 14:23 MET